Terrain Theory

Dr. Har Hari Khalsa on energy field scanning, EMF pulse therapy, and healing with cold

Ben Season 4 Episode 159

Dr. Har Hari Khalsa is a LA-based holistic chiropractor who incorporates numerous cutting-edge healing technologies into his practice. In this conversation with Dr. Har Hari we discuss:

  • The chronic pain issues that shaped his journey
  • Using scalar technology to map energy fields and heal patients
  • EMF pulses as a foundational terrain healing modality
  • His openness to using new technology to help people
  • How he healed a serious hip injury using cold
  • Standout client testimonials

...and more!

Learn more about Dr. Har Hari at his website: https://transformationalhealinguniverse.com/

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Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

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Music by
Chris Merenda

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